Table of Contents
Quick Contents of this Page
Overview of metatext
Metatext is a Virtual Laboratory hypertext program.
It allows the user to access vlab objects in an arbitrary order,
independent of the hierarchical organization of the lab.
Metatext nodes (frames) consist of text, UNIX commands, and
messages to the vlab daemon.
Textual descriptions are displayed in
separate windows.
The set of textual descriptions and corresponding references to vlab objects forms an interactive
document which guides the user through the lab.
Structure of metatext
The structure of metatext can be described from two perspectives: the static
structure of links between information nodes that constitute a metatext database, and the dynamic structure of processes
created while browsing and displaying information.
A metatext data base (Figure 1) consists of two types of files: frames and index files.
Figure 1 - Static structure of a metatext data base
A frame is the basic information and display unit. It contains text to be displayed
in the text window, and a list of commands to be run along with the text. An index file
is a list of names grouping related frames into a section.
A given frame can be listed in several index files, and can include references
to other index files.
This establishes a graph of references not limited to tree structures, built on top of the UNIX
file system.
From the dynamic perspective, metatext runs as a number of concurrent processes (see Figure 2), which
can be divided into 3 classes:
- "True" metatext processes which read index files and allow the user to interactively select a frame.
- Text display processes that read the frame passed as its argument,
and display the frame text.
- Application processes corresponding to the commands listed in the frame.
It is an essential concept of metatext that new metatext processes can be created in
the same way as any application process, by executing the appropriate command in the frame.
Consequently, several metatext processes may be active at the same time,
offering different views of the vlab database.
Figure 2 - Dynamic structure of metatext processes
A user's view of metatext
A running metatext process is manifested by a small window
(Figure 3a) with 4 buttons and the name of the
current index file.
The rightmost button is a down arrow, which is used to create an
extended window with the metatext menu (Figure 3b). This
menu includes an item for each
frame in the section, plus
several additional items (see The metatext menu).
The other 3 buttons turn on or off operations invoked automatically when a
frame is selected, specifically:
- Exec - turns on or off execution of UNIX commands
- View - turns on or off display of text
- Edit - turns on or off automatic creation of a window in which the frame can be edited.
Two more buttons are included in the extended window:
- Previous - selects the previous item on the menu, allows stepping through the frames in
reverse order,
- Next - selects the next item on the menu, allows stepping through the frames in
forward order.
The metatext menu
The metatext menu contains the following items:
.... names of the files from the index file
The items added automatically to the menus play the following role:
- Modify - displays a new window shell with the location of the current
frame as the current working directory, to facilitate modifications of the index file and frames by the user
- Reread - rereads the index file
- Restart - restarts the metatext process
- Quit - quits the metatext process
The extended menus may also be displayed as a popup style menu, using
the right mouse button.
Sample metatext windows are displayed in Figure 3.
(a) (b)
Figure 3 - Metatext windows with and without extended menu pulled down
Invoking metatext
Metatext is invoked using the following command:
metatext [-e] [-exec] [-view] [-edit] [-md|-mc|-mt] index_file
The following settings determine the state of metatext when invoked:
-e metatext is open with the extended window,
-exec execute all UNIX commands in the selected frame,
-view show the text in the selected frame,
-edit open an editor on the selected frame,
index_file the name of the index file.
In addition, the following settings are provided for backwards compatibility,
-md demo mode (equivalent to -exec -view),
-mc command mode (equivalent to -exec),
-mt text mode (equivalent to -view),
Index file format
An index file is a text file that
contains the names of some or all
frames in the metatext database.
Each name must be listed on a separate line;
these frame names are then included in the metatext menu.
For example, the following index file Demo resulted in the menu shown in Figure 3:
Frame file format
Frame files contain a mixture of text and UNIX commands.
When the user selects one of the
menu items read from the index file,
the text portion of the corresponding frame file is displayed in a window and the included UNIX commands
are executed.
Syntactically, every line that does not start with a ":" is
considered a part of the text and every line that starts with a ":"
is assumed to include a UNIX command.
For example, the frame file 2D-plants may have the following form:
Understanding A Formalism
2D Plants
:object /usr/u/vlab/oofs/ext/plants/ext/2D-plants
If the user now selects the 2D-plants item in the menu shown in Figure 3, then a window including the
descriptive text associated with the object will be displayed,
and the UNIX commands embedded in the frame file will be executed
(for example, the xclock command will be run producing a
clock display on the screen);
the resulting display is shown in Figure 4.
The :object command is a special case.
In addition to invoking the Object Manager,
which will place the indicated object from
the object database on the lab table,
:object sends a message to all currently
running browser processes in order to position
them on the selected object.
Figure 4 - Example of a metatext display
Organization of the metatext data base
The navigation mechanism in metatext is inherently based on the concept of
A metatext process can invoke another metatext process using a UNIX
command included in a frame, thus when the user navigates
through the hypertext documents, new
metatext processes are created with different index files.
On the other hand, metatext
processes that are no longer necessary can be terminated by the user.
Thus the number of active metatext processes changes dynamically,
reflecting the user's current view of the entire metatext database.
Although cyclic references to metatext processes are technically
possible (i.e.; a metatext process with index file A may contain
a frame indexing a metatext process with index file B and vice versa),
users commonly organize their metatext databases in a hierarchical
fashion, to facilitate the conceptualization of the hypertext
Users may customize certain aspects of the metatext display.
The relevant file is found in the vlab/config directory,
also called
The file metatext contains the following:
Editor xwsh -e vi
Viewer xless -auto
These 2 lines define the UNIX commands to be executed when metatext
invokes an editor or a window for viewing text.
P. Prusinkiewicz and J. Hanan. A hypertext environment for UNIX.
In Graphics Interface '88 Conference proceedings, (Edmonton, Canada, June 6-10, 1988),
pages 50-55, Canadian Information Processing Society, 1988.
P. Prusinkiewicz, J. Hanan, P. Federl - metatext implementation
I. Hernadi, P. Prusinkiewicz, J. Hanan - metatext documentation
Contact Information
Please direct all feedback, bug reports, and so on to
Last updated Feb. 27, 1996 by Istvan Hernadi