L-system description of subdivision curves

Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Faramarz Samavati, Colin Smith, and Radoslaw Karwowski
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4


In recent years, subdivision has emerged as a major geometric modeling technique. Algorithms for generating subdivision curves are often specified in terms of iterated matrix multiplication. Each multiplication maps a globally indexed sequence of points that represents a coarser approximation of the curve onto a longer sequence that represents a finer approximation. Unfortunately, this use of matrices and indices obscure the local and stationary character of typical subdivision rules.

We introduce parametric context-sensitive L-systems with affine geometry interpretation as an alternative technique for specifying and generating subdivision curves. This technique is illustrated using Chaikin, cubic B-spline, and Dyn-Levin-Gregory (4-point) subdivision schemes as examples. L-systems formalize subdivision algorithms in an intuitive, concise, index-free manner, reflecting the parallel and local character of these algorithms. Furthermore, L-system specification of subdivision algorithms directly leads to their computer implementation.


P. Prusinkiewicz, F. Samavati, C. Smith, R. Karwowski: L-system description of subdivision curves. International Journal of Shape Modeling 9 (1), pp. 41-59.

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