The object manager performs the following tasks:Figure 1 - An object icon with menus
The tools associated with the object are
defined in two files: the object's specifications file, and the generic tools file residing in the vlab config
Specifications file format
The specifications file serves three purposes:
Selecting a menu item allows the user to apply a tool to the object as a whole, without detailed knowledge of the program or the component files involved. An example specifications file is given in Figure 2.
tree.l tree.v panel.v tree.ras text * image: generate: cpfg tree.l tree.v snap: snap tree.ras paste: ipaste tree.ras text: TEXT text ; this is a comment
The first section, terminated with a single asterisk on a new line, lists all the files associated with the object, one per line. Two additional files are assumed to be included in every object: the icon file (see the icon display in Figure 1), and the specifications file itself.Figure 2 - A sample specifications file
The generic name, TEXT, is assumed to have been defined in the tools file, which describes tools commonly used in the virtual laboratory. Thus commonly used tools need to be specified only once, in one system-wide file.
Comments may be inserted in this file.
Lines that begin with a semicolon are treated as comments.
Tools file format
The tools file describes generic tools that may be used within an object's specifications
file. Entries in the tools file may be accessed by all objects in the
virtual laboratory, thus eliminating the need for providing details of commonly used tools
in each object. The tools file resides in the vlab config
Entries in this file consist of a generic name, plus a list of tools. The list resembles
the tool descriptions in the specifications file.
Each entry in tools has the following format:
- a generic name for the entry used to identify it in the specifications file (by convention, this name is upper-case),
- a tool name, followed by a colon (this is the name that will appear in the menus of the objects that use this tool)
- the command associated with the tool, preceded by a tab.
Several tools may be associated with a single generic name. Entries must be separated by a blank line. The parameters to be used with the tool are not specified on the command line in the tools file. They will be appended to the command using arguments in the specifications file.
For example, TEXT may be defined as follows:
TEXT display: xless edit: EDITOR print: enscript -Palw3The above global definition will be substituted for each occurrence of the word TEXT in the specifications file. Such global definitions facilitate customization of the lab for each system configuration.
The tools file may also include comment lines and global
Comments start with a semicolon followed by any text on the same line.
Comment lines may be inserted anywhere in the file.
Global names may be defined using the syntax:
#define SYMBOLNAME definition_string
where definition_string is a UNIX command to execute.
For example:
#define EDITOR emacs -font "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*"
These definitions must occur at the beginning of the file.
The following procedure can be used to customize the editors used by the object manager.
The first two lines of the tools file define what editors are to be used by default. The names OBJED and OBJDEMOED are reserved and interpreted by the object manager when invoking shells for editing. By default, they are set to the vi editor. OBJED is for regular editing and OBJDEMOED is for editing while performing demos (the font size is bigger). If you wish to use a different editor (such as emacs), change the two lines;
#define OBJED xwsh -s 80,24 -f Courier-Bold18 -c vi -w24 #define OBJDEMOED xwsh -s 60,12 -f Courier-Bold24 -c vi -w12for example, like this
#define OBJED emacs -font "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*" #define OBJDEMOED emacs -font "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*"
Note that the program you specify must open its own window. Since emacs does, it can be listed as above. Since vi doesn't, the lines must open a shell which then runs the editor.
Note that the names OBJED and OBJDEMOED can be used in the
remainder of the tools file like any other names
(in particular, they could have been used instead of EDITOR in the
previous example).
The Utilities Submenu
In addition to the items defined in the specifications file, the
menu displayed by the object manager always includes a Utilities submenu and
a Quit item.
The Utilities submenu includes the following menu items:
Before removing the object from the lab table (by selecting Quit from the menu), the user must decide
whether the modified object should be permanently stored. It may be stored as a replacement of the original object,
or as an extension of that object. If an extension is requested, the user is prompted for its name and a new directory
is created in the ext directory of the original object.
In both cases, the files on the lab table are compared with the files in the object's prototype. Files that differ from the
prototype are copied to the object's directory; the remaining files are created by establishing UNIX symbolic links to the
corresponding files in the prototype.
L. Mercer. The Virtual laboratory. Master's thesis, University of Regina, Regina, Canada, 1991.
L. Mercer, P. Prusinkiewicz, J. Hanan. The Concept and Design of a Virtual Laboratory. In Graphics Interface '90 Conference proceedings, pages 149-155. Canadian Information Processing Society, 1990.
Selected routines for image manipulation copyright 1994 by John Bradley. Used with permission.
M. James - implementation of the makeicon utility
D. Ratcliffe, P. Haeberli - authors of the snap and ipaste program, parts of their code was incorporated in the makeicon utility. Used with permission.
I. Hernadi, L. Mercer, P. Prusinkiewicz - object manager documentation
2. Manipulating the object's files "by hand" is possible, but the user must remember to update the specifications file accordingly, otherwise the new files will not be saved with the object.
3. The specifications and tools files must have tabs placed correctly, spaces won't do. The menus will not be created properly if these files contain spaces instead of tabs, and no warning messages are generated. This problem is particularly annoying while using the SGI system-wide "cut and paste" facility, because it replaces tabs with spaces.
4. The Help facility is not yet implemented.