Which version of L-studio should I choose?
Two versions of L-studio are available: both have the same simulator programs,
modeling environments, and example objects, but the ATE version also
includes its own C++ compiler. Which version should you download?
- If you don't already have a C++ compiler installed on your computer
(or you don't know what a C++ compiler is!), download the ATE version
of L-studio and everything will just work.
- If you already have Visual C++ installed, you can download either
version of L-studio; if you choose the non-ATE version, then be sure to
follow the installation instructions to set
up L-studio to use Visual C++.
- If you already have MinGW installed,
then you'll have to use the non-ATE version of L-studio, as your
installation of MinGW will cause problems with the version included in
L-studio ATE. Be sure to follow the installation
instructions to set up L-studio to use MinGW.
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