Developmental Models of Herbaceous Plants for Computer Imagery Purposes

Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz1, Aristid Lindenmayer2, and James Hanan1.
1 Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, 2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4
2 Theoretical Biology Group, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands


In this paper we present a method for modeling herbaceous plants, suitable for generating realistic plant images and animating developmental processes. The idea is to achieve realism by simulating mechanisms which control plant growth in nature. The developmental approach to the modeling of plant architecture is extended to the modeling of leaves and flowers. The method is expressed using the formalism of L-systems.


Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, Aristid Lindenmayer, and James Hanan: Developmental Models of Herbaceous Plants for Computer Imagery Purposes. Computer Graphics 22(4), pp. 141-150.

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