CPSC 453
Introduction to Computer Graphics
Fall 2019
- Lectures
Lecture 1: Introduction
- Lecture 2: Mathematical background
- Lecture 3: Graphics output devices
- Lecture 4: Software/hardware interface
- The rendering pipeline (PPT)
- A programming example (PPT)
- Lecture 5: Transformations in 2D (no additional materials)
- Lecture 6: Transformations in 3D; examples of transformations in 2D and 3D; vector libraries
- Derivation of Rodrigues' formula
- Programming examples:
- On (my) Mac, these files compile using commands such as:
- clang -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT rodrigues.cpp -o rodrigue
- Lecture 7: Viewing transformation
- Screen, camera and orthographic transformation (PPT)
- Lecture 8: Perspective (PDF) (PPT)
- Lecture 9: Rasterization
- Line and triangle rasterization, clipping
- Lecture 10: Polygon meshes (Textbook chapters 12.1.1-12.1.3, no additional materials)
- Lecture 11: Shading (PDF)
- Lecture 12-13: Texture mapping (PPT) (PDF)
- Lecture 14: Material review
- Lecture 15: Midterm
- Lecture 16: Midterm results review
- Lecture 17-19: Ray tracing (Textbook Chapters 4 and 13; no additional materials)
- Lecture 20-21: Subdivision curves
- Lecture 22-23: Parametric curves and surfaces (PDF)
- Lecture 24: Subdivision surfaces + a note on other modeling methods
- Lecture 25: Final review (DOC) (PDF)
- Assignments
- Introduction to programming with OpenGL:
generating and viewing the Menger sponge
- A 3D Object Viewer
Updated due data: October 29, 2019
- Sample models. See assignment description for sample images.
- teapot (ZIP)
- spot (ZIP)
- Nefertiti (Low polygon) (ZIP)
- Nefertiti (High polygon) (UPDATED Oct. 21) (ZIP)
- Ray-tracing
- Modeling
Updated due data: December 8, 2019
- Tutorials
- Tutorial 1: Math review
- Tutorial 2: C++ review and sample code
- Tutorial 3: OpenGL 2.0 and First triangle code
Solution TARGZ
- Tutorial 4: OpenGL 3.3+ and First triangle (again with OpenGL 3.3)
- Tutorial 5: Sierpinski Triangle
- Tutorial 6: Matrices and transformations (UPDATED FOR MAC OS)
- Tutorial 7: Demos
- Tutorial 8: Self test
- Tutorial 11: Simple shading and model loader for assignment
- Tutorial 13: Texture README updated
- Tutorial 15: Simply Ray trace and inheritence
- Tutorial 16: Simply Ray trace and plane
- Simple pointer and inheritence example