Martin Fuhrer
High-quality, realistic visualization of plant models is a long-standing goal in computer graphics. Plants are often modeled using L-systems. Strings of symbols generated by the L-systems may be interpreted graphically as drawing commands to a rendering system. In this research, techniques for improving the appearance of plants generated from L-systems are proposed. A method of incorporating dynamic material specifications in L-system strings is presented, along with shading and lighting considerations for leaves and petals. Texture mapping of generalized cylinders is revisited in order to properly fit leaf and petal textures onto surfaces, and procedural methods for generating venation patterns and translucent rims on these surfaces are introduced. Finally, a method of generating hairs and controlling their parameters with L-systems is proposed. The importance of these techniques is illustrated in numerous state-of-the-art plant renderings.
Martin Fuhrer. Hairs, Textures, and Shades: Improving the Realism of Plant Models Generated with L-systems. M.Sc. thesis, University of Calgary, August 2005.
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