Integrating biomechanics into developmental plant models expressed using L-systems

Catherine Jirasek (1), Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz (1) and Bruno Moulia (2)

(1) Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4

(2) INRA, Station d'écophysiologie des plantes fourragèresa
Lusignan, France


We present a method for incorporating the biomechanical model of the bending of branch axes introduced by Schaffer and Fournier et al. into developmental plant models expressed using L-systems. The models capture the impact of gravity, tropisms, contact between elements of a plant structure and contact with obstacles on the shape of branches. Sample plants modeled using this technique are compared with photographs of real plants.

Keywords: L-system, biomechanics, elasticity, rod, gravity, tropism.


Integrating biomechanics into developmental plant models expressed using L-systems. In: H.-Ch. Spatz and T. Speck (Eds.): Plant biomechanics 2000 . Proceedings of the 3rd Plant Biomechanics Conference, Freiburg-Badenweiler, August 27 to September 2, 2000. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 2000, pp. 615-624.

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