Catherine Jirasek

A hypertext document based on

Extensions to the graphical interpretation of L-Systems based on turtle geometry
by Radomir Mech, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, and Jim Hanan

Department of Computer Science
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4
May 1997
  1. Preface
    1. System Requirements
    2. Features of the Web
    3. Setting up the Page on your Own System
  2. Turtle Parameters
  3. Circles and Spheres
  4. Generalized Cylinders
    1. Defining Parametric Curves
    2. Modifying the Shape of a Generalized Cylinder and it's Axis
      1. Specifying Lengths of the Tangent Vectors
      2. Modifying the Longitudinal Section
    3. Modifying the shape of a Cross Section
      1. Defining a Closed Cross Section
      2. Defining an Open Cross Section
    4. Twist of Generalized Cylinders
    5. Branching of Generalized Cylinders
  5. Surfaces
    1. Predefined Surface Models
    2. Developemental Surface Models
    3. Developemental Bicubic Surfaces
  6. Textures
    1. Textured Bicubic Surfaces
    2. Textured Generalized Cylinders
    3. Textured Polygons
  7. Appendix I
  8. Appendix II
  9. References

Appendix I
Appendix II
Index Circles and Spheres Generalized Cylinders Surfaces Textures